

Personality: she's hot headed,nosy,savage but she's also progressive resourcful,agile,peculiar,sympathetic.

Aj has a magical red ribbon that can summon anything she needs. It is fuel by her rage. Aj is 3ft 1 inch tall

Aj has no form. as she's from the time before earth rebirth. But sometimes Aj likes to pretend she can turn into a werewolf.


Cricket is 223 years old human/toy wizard.

Personality: He's cowardly,pethatic,hysterical,push over,timid But he's also empathetic,hard working,inventive,tidy,loving

Cricket is the family wizard. He has no magical ablities. But the only reason he's the family wizard is because he looks similar to their many greats grandpa wizard daddy

Cricket night form is a puppet who cat calls, and becomes sexual with people. Cricket hates this form because he cannot control what he does or say. It's a nightmare for him.

for this reason he avoids the moonlight staying inside for the night. He also hates the moon despite finding it beautiful and romantic.